Unconditional Rain

Rain, rain, go away; come again another day! I don’t know if people still teach this song/rhyme to children today, but it was one which I heard a lot when I was growing up. It seems like it has rained at least a little bit almost every day for the last couple of weeks. While … [Read more…]

Encourage One Another

Over the last few weeks, Mae and I have been meeting with a young woman to discuss church membership. It is always exciting for me when somebody says he/she desires to be a member of the church. This is not simply so I can boast about having a growing number of members, but because it … [Read more…]

Child-like Faith

It is hard to believe that July is almost over and VBS is upon us! It is always a tiring whirlwind of a week, but it is also a week full of blessings as we minister to children from throughout the community. At SBC, we strive to follow Christ’s example of caring for the physical … [Read more…]

Summertime Fire

Ah, summertime! It is a season when people gather to celebrate all kinds of different occasions or just to have a good time. I’ve noticed that these kinds of get-togethers will often involve grills, campfires, or even large bonfires. We even celebrate our nation’s birth with fireworks! Even with electricity, fire remains a part of … [Read more…]

Uncomfortable Lesson

As a large man that tends to sweat rather easily, I have never cared much for hot weather. When the mercury starts pushing 80+ degrees, my level of discomfort also starts to rise dramatically. But, as my wife has reminded me many times, I know that I am not necessarily the only person in the … [Read more…]

Newness of Life

As Spring approaches, I am looking out at our backyard and observing the bare limbs of several trees. If someone were to look at them for the first time right now, they might wonder if they were sick or even alive. But I know that in just a few weeks new leaves will start to … [Read more…]

Encouragement in Trials

I have to be honest, 2024 has started out pretty rough for me. I had a run-in with a snowblower (which could’ve been much worse!), I came down with Covid for the second time in my life, and the Bills are, once again, not playing in the Super Bowl! It has been difficult for me … [Read more…]

New Year

As we, yet again, turn the calendar to a new year, I am sure that many of us have thought about the past year and, perhaps, have made plans and goals for the coming year. Whether these plans/goals are in the form of resolutions or something else, we must remember that the coming year, and … [Read more…]


Whenever somebody asks me what my favorite season is, I never hesitate to answer, “Autumn!” I love the crisp, cool air and the changing colors of the trees. But, I also love the various aromas equated with autumn: fresh apples, cinnamon, pumpkin spice (in moderation!), and even the falling leaves seem to give off a … [Read more…]

Labor Day

I’ve always found it a bit ironic that we have a national holiday called “Labor Day.” I know it has to do with labor unions and showing appreciation for those who work hard doing important jobs that, frankly, many people would rather not do; but I still think it is an interesting name for a … [Read more…]