Labor Day

I’ve always found it a bit ironic that we have a national holiday called “Labor Day.” I know it has to do with labor unions and showing appreciation for those who work hard doing important jobs that, frankly, many people would rather not do; but I still think it is an interesting name for a … [Read more…]

Summer Time Encouragement

We are in the heart of Summer, a time when (most) kids aren’t even thinking about school and families are going on exciting adventures. Family vacations can be very beneficial and fun (with, perhaps, a dash of stress and bickering), but they can also lead to emptier Sunday-morning worship services. I do not say this … [Read more…]

Season of Love

When people think about the month of February, chances are good that their thoughts go to Valentine’s Day. Afterall, Valentine’s Day merchandise has been in stores since the day after Christmas! Of course, this holiday is devoted to celebrating and honoring romantic love, which is perfectly fine. In fact, I think we Christians can sometimes … [Read more…]


On July 4th, it will be 246 years since our founding fathers declared our independence from England. And, as we celebrate this freedom from tyranny and oppression, let us not forget about the infinitely greater freedom that we have in Christ. In his letter to the Galatian believers, Paul makes a simple yet profound statement: … [Read more…]

The Month of Weddings

As I type this, I should probably be getting ready for a wedding that Mae and I are attending today (May 28) near our old Chemung stomping grounds. Of course, June is known for being the most popular month for weddings to occur. Mae and I have never really been one for trends, hence we … [Read more…]


As we enter the month of May, we are beginning to have more days of beautiful sunshine. Along with that sunshine we are beginning to see grass grow, trees regain their leaves, and flowers poke their heads through the soil. It can sometimes feel like it takes too long for Spring to truly arrive in … [Read more…]

“April Showers Bring May Flowers”

“April showers bring May flowers,” or as my wife, Mae, has been known to say, “April showers bring Me flowers!” As the weather gets warmer and we have more rainy days, first, let’s remember that rain is an example of God’s grace and loving sustaining of His creation. In Matthew 5:43- 45, Jesus tells His … [Read more…]

Changing Calendar…Unchanging God

As February quickly approaches, so does one of our nation’s quirkiest (in my opinion) holidays: Groundhog Day. Though this holiday is the setting for one of the greatest comedies of the 1990’s (in my opinion), I cannot help but find it bizarre that hundreds of people gather in the small Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney to … [Read more…]

“New Year, New You!”

“New year, new you!” I am sure that many of you have either seen or heard this expression at one time or another. There is nothing inherently wrong with the sentiment. A new year is often when people take time to examine their lives and, perhaps, strive to make improvements. Of course, it isn’t long … [Read more…]